Tuesday 28 April 2009

Jackman's Shower Superstition

From: imdb.com

Hugh Jackman came up with a bizarre way to channel his X-men character's rage - by taking a cold shower every morning before filming.

The actor reprised his superhero role for X-Men Origins: Wolverine and made sure he was properly psyched up for his challenging days on-set.

In a bid to find Wolverine's inner anger Jackman forced himself to take an ice-cold shower - and keep quiet during the excruciating experience.

He says, "It's surprisingly easy to find that inner rage. I do a little trick every morning. I stumbled upon this on X-Men 1. I had to get rid of my hairspray first thing in the morning but my wife was asleep and there was no hot water, it was the middle of Toronto winter.

"I turned the water on and was waiting and I got in and I couldn't make a noise. I don't know how it was running; it was that cold.

"After 20 to 30 seconds I thought, 'This is exactly how Wolverine feels all the time.' It's that inner rage but you can't yell or do anything.

Every morning I do it. It's now a bit of a superstition."

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