Wednesday 8 April 2009

X-Men Origins Most Pirated Film


A pirated workprint of X-Men Origins: Wolverine that became available online last week has already been accessed more than a million times by BitTorrent users, according to the website TorrentFreak. It currently tops The Pirate Bay's list of the most popular downloads on torrent sites. TorrentFreak indicates that efforts by the film's distributor, 20th Century Fox, to halt the proliferation of the pirated film have been futile -- that no sooner does a torrent site take down a link to a copy of the film in accordance with a notice from the studio than new ones appear. TorrentFreak said that a poll it took of its readers indicated that, among those who downloaded the movie, some 40 percent said that it made them more excited to see it in theaters or on DVD and that only 6 percent said that they believe the pirated copy would be damaging.

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