Friday 1 May 2009 [Johnnyc's Blog -] [Johnnyc's Blog -]
Written by: JohnnyC
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Planning on seeing Wolverine this weekend? Bracing yourself for disappointment? Don’t worry, fellow DoorQs…I’ve got something that might help.

Forget X-Men Origins: Wolverine for the moment. (Yes, I’ll see it but no, I’m not that excited about it…still washing out the bad taste in my mouth from X-Men 3).

Instead, just go right to the source...the comics.

And don’t let the scope of the X-Men universe frighten you. Yes, there’s always X-Men Legacy (total snooze fest since Messiah Complex cross-over), Astonishing X-Men (hasn’t been good since Joss Whedon left), X-Factor (does anyone still read that?), and X-Force (worth the read, but not the main event). Oh, and Cable and Young X-Men…

Just stick to Uncanny X-Men.

Right after Messiah Complex, and just in time for the rounded number celebration of #500, Matt Fraction took the reins from Ed Brubaker and has been doing some really cool shit.

Here’s why you should be reading Uncanny X-Men…

The X-Men recently relocated to a much more tolerant environment, that being San Francisco. Add Northstar as a key member to the team, throw in a bunch of bitchy divas looking for revenge, and more gay metaphors than you can shake a pink psionic sword at, and you’ve pretty much summed up the current state of things in the X-verse.

Go back and start with issue #500. Read through to #509, currently on shelves. You won’t be disappointed. Fraction is setting up a lot of good things to come, and from the start of his run, he really hit the ground running.

Pixie gets bashed by an angry mob of mutant-hating bigots.

Beast forms a coalition of scientists to isolate and rediscover the lost X-gene.

The Black Queen leads a cabal of sexy divas (Spiral, Lady Deathstrike, the Mastermind Sisters, Chimera, and the resurrected Psylocke) that kick some serious ass (looking fierce as they do it).

And…yeah, coming from the “X-Men is the fucking gayest comic ever” school of thought…I wish I could make this shit up, but… a local group of conservatives called the Humanity Now! Coalition is pushing a piece of legislation through the political system known as the Mutant Breeding Act Ballot Initiative known as...again, I’m not kidding…Proposition X.

This (cough Prop 8 cough cough) proposition would make it mandatory for mutants to undergo sterilization procedures, thus ensuring the extinction of the species. And with the recent anti-mutant sentiment coming off of Messiah Complex, the public seems to be behind it.

It’s like Fraction isn’t even trying to be subtle with the “X-Men as LGBT community” metaphor here. Of course, how do we first hear about this Proposition X? We cut to a live video conference, interrupting a tv interview with Northstar…which he gives on Market Street right in front of the Castro Theater.

Maybe this time around he’ll get some goddamned action.

I mean, the X-Men live in San Francisco for fuck’s sake. Get Northstar laid already…

So yeah…stale, pre-packaged PG-13 summer blockbusters got you down?

Pick up Matt Fraction’s run on Uncanny X-Men.

If you like it, also check out Fraction’s new Invincible Iron Man series. He’s got some cool, post-Secret Invasion shit going on with that title as well.

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